What Makes a Story Engaging?
September 6, 2022
3 Ways Time to Make Time for Writing!
September 27, 2022@2022 Wendy Scheuring, The Author’s Writer
September 12, 2022
That’s a common feeling that a lot of authors experience. There are days when we sit in front of a blank computer screen or with pen in hand looking at a blank piece of paper.

A computer screen will no longer be blank once you type a word on it.
Our computer screens have gone blank. Our minds have gone blank.
We simply do not feel like it.
We need a snack.
Maybe another cup of coffee. Time to take that walk.
Or go on social media and see who is posting what.
Maybe read some news.
Or watch a movie.
You know mindless activities.
And when all is said and done, no writing gets done.
So, what is a writer to do when they don’t really feel like writing today?
They should choose to ignore those feelings. After all, they are feelings.
They should just write. Even if it is only for 5 minutes.
Even if they don’t feel like writing.
Doesn’t matter.
Just write.

No explanation necessary. Just write!