The "Authentic" Author is here to help!

May 16, 2023

Should You Use Chat GPT to Write a Book? Here’s Why Not!

@2024 Wendy Scheuring, 5.8.2024, Revised. @2023 Wendy Scheuring (Human Writer) 5.16.2023 Since late 2022, many people (some writers, most not) have become mesmerized by the abilities […]
May 2, 2023

An Editor Makes Your Book Better!

@Wendy Scheuring, May 2, 2023, Revised September 27, 2024 You’ve spent hours, days, weeks, months, (and maybe even years) thinking about and writing your book. A […]
April 20, 2023

The Golden Key That Unlocks the Mystery Within

The Golden Key That Unlocks the Mystery Within @2023 Wendy Scheuring, The Author’s Writer April 20, 2023 Are you looking for that missing golden key? You’ll […]
January 18, 2023

Is Writing as Easy as Baking an Apple Pie? It Depends Upon How You Bake the Pie!

©2023 Wendy Scheuring, The Author’s Writer One cold, snowy afternoon, when I was a teenager, my grandmother and I were spending some time in the kitchen. […]