3 Writing Equations that Produce Results!
February 15, 2021
3 Ways to Become an Author!
December 14, 2021

Write every day for at least 15 minutes per day to create a writing habit!
Here are 5 simple things you can do right now to create “time” so that you can use this time to write. Before we start
this discussion, however, keep in mind that you will NOT be concerned about the quality of what you are writing. At
least at first. Your goal here is to create a writing “habit” that will free up time. So, what comes first, “time” or
“writing”? Even though it may seem illogical, I’m here to tell you that the act of “writing” will help you create the
“time” you need to write.
1. ACHIEVE CREATIVITY. First of all, you will need to write the old school way, with paper and pen. The mind-hand
connection helps you tap into your creativity. When you write with a pen, ideas will flow more easily onto the page.
2. MAKE WRITING A HABIT. If you can, try to write at the same time every day. Write when you first wake up. Write
with a morning cup of coffee. Write after you tuck the kids into bed. Write late into the night. It doesn’t matter when
you write, just write when you feel relaxed.

Creating a daily routine will make your writing grow exponentially!
3. MAKE TIME TO WRITE, EVEN IF YOU DON’T FEEL LIKE IT. This is where the hard work comes in. It can be difficult
to write when you don’t feel like writing. Make a commitment to write for at least 15 minutes per day. I know that does
not sound like a lot of time to devote to your writing. You can write more than 15 minutes, if you like. But, on those
days that you don’t feel like writing, write for at least 15 minutes.
4 BUILD AND KEEP THE MOMENTUM GOING. If you skip a day of writing, you will lose your momentum. It is the
everyday practice and progress which helps you build and maintain your momentum. Even on the busiest of days,
set aside at least 15 minutes. It is when we stop writing that we find it difficult to start writing again. So, keep with
this 15-minute a day rule.
5. KEEP WRITING UNTIL YOU LIKE WHAT YOU WRITE, THEN KEEP WRITING. First of all, you never have to “like”
what you write. You only have to write for 15 minutes per day each and every day. If you cannot think of anything to write, then just
repeat a word or phrase over and over until you start writing something cogent, or not. Eventually, you will write something you do like and that is
when you will discover that writing is indeed “timeless.”
For another discussion about “time,” go to my latest blog post here: 3 Ways Time Can Work for You | The Author’s Writer (authorswriter.com)